Tuesday 29 November 2011

Interpreter vs translator

Sign for "interpreter" in Quebec Sig...Image via Wikipedia

Most people get confused between the job descriptions of an interpreter vs translator. Translators and interpreters are two types of work. What is the difference?
Well, one is written, and the other is verbal. You would think it would be the same thing as they are both ways of communicating languages, whether it's foreign or sign language. Translators work with their experienced language and translate in writing and they are expected to have nearly perfect written skills. They are most of the time translating documents in two different languages and require phenomenal grammar and analytical skills. A translator also has the extra time to think carefully about what is being said in one document before writing it to another language in another document. The kind of companies that utilize a translator's work would be one's that need government paperwork and reports translated from one language to another. Interpreters have a different communication function. Usually it would be either in sign language or a foreign language. Interpreters are people that have an on-going conversation with two or more people. As one person is talking, the interpreter is relaying the information being said over to whom they are communicating to. An interpreter is required to have mental agility and a vast memory, along with analytical and research skill. Interested in interpreter jobs or translator jobs ? Apply today!